Friday, December 18, 2009


I've been fortunate enough to grow up in what I believe to be the greatest resort in the world. From the time I was 5, I was in the themed parades, and dancing on the stage. My parents brought me to work often so that I would get used to having a lot of people around (I was never a shy boy). Some of my fondest memories are swimming in Lake Teedyskung with my best friend Justin, my little sister, and the various guests that I would meet that day. We would play all day in the lake and eat ice cream sandwiches for lunch! The love that I felt from the guests and staff was and still is very real. I've grown up with many guests that still come here today! As I continued to grow throughout my teens, I would spend many nights in the North Lodge dancing to DJ Luis's music and creating memories that will last forever. One thing that parents have always stressed to me is work ethic. They had me start working at the age of 11 at the beach. To date I've worked in almost every department at Woodloch. Work was never a burden for me though, because I loved what I did, even shoveling snow (that's right, on school snow days I would have to go to work and shovel all day)! The friendships that I've formed, and the lessons that I've learned from growing up at Woodloch are invaluable, and I am thankful everyday of my life to have grown up at Woodloch.

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