Monday, February 8, 2010

100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nations largest and most
prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA
provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the
responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

For nearly a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this
country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through nearly a century of
experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more
conscientious, responsible, and productive society.


The first native settlers were the Lenni Lenape Indians who lived in the lake area in the early 17th century. Around 1617 the Lenapes became subject to the more powerful Iroquois people. A complete description of the Indian occupation of the lake area is better left to native American experts. Read an excellent history of the Delaware Indian Nations by Lee Sultzman. Teedyuskung is listed among the Pennsylvania Villages. Look for the book 'King of the Delaware’s: Teedyuskung 1700-1763', by Anthony F. C.
Wallach. Late 1800 Property Owners. James Henry and Adelaine Thompson, the grandparents of Helen Lockwood and James A. Thompson (Helen's brother), purchased a large tract of land encompassing the southeast and southwest shorelines of the lake from Martha J. Quick in 1886. The East Shore tract of land ran from Beck's (Gichigumme) to Engvaldsen's (at the East Point). The West Shore shoreline was sold off as parcels during the Depression. Much of the land behind the West Shore cabins and cottages was owned by Joseph Kimble (now known as Bear Springs Hunting Club), Edward Chandler, and John D. Ross. Early Settler - James Henry Thompson. Helen told us that James and Adelaine built a frame house on the east side of the lake near where the Lockwood’s live now, and lived in it from 1887 to about 1900. They moved away for a few years and the house completely disappeared while they were gone! They then built a log cabin on the property, and slowly over the years sold off the rest of their holdings.

One of the Lake's most famous residents was Daniel Carter Beard, one of the founders of the Boy Scouts of America (May, 1905). Woodsman, illustrator, and naturalist, Daniel Carter Beard was a pioneering sprit of the Boy Scouts of America. In 1882, he
illustrated Mark Twain's 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'. Already 60 years old when the BSA was formed, Daniel Beard became a founder when he merged his 'The Sons of Daniel Boone' organization with the naturalist Ernest Seton's 'Woodcraft Indians' in 1910.

As first National Scout Commissioner, Beard helped design the original Scout uniform (hat, shirt, and neckerchief) and introduced elements of the first class scout badge. "Uncle Dan", as he was known to the boys and leaders will be remembered as a colorful figure dressed in buckskins who helped form scouting in America. Other BSA founders were Baden-Powell, William D. Boyce, and James West. Contrary to popular myth, Sir Robert Baden-Powell only started the 'Boy Scouts of England' based on Dan Beard's 'Sons of Daniel Boone'. "I am not", he said, "the father of the Boy-Scout movement. I might be called its uncle... I looked at what the United States was doing, read some of Beard's books on various plans that you had under way over here, cribbed from them, right and left, and started the 'Boy Scouts of England'!"

Dan owned 3 parcels on the lake. He acquired one piece from the George Rowland Estate in 1878. The second piece was owned by his brother, Harry Beard. The third piece of property was purchased by Mrs. Kellogg in 1888 from James Henry Thompson and sold to Dan Beard for his school in 1926. His house on the lake was called 'Wild Lands'. Beard's original Boy Scout Camp was owned by Ellsworth Peterson after he discontinued his scouting activity. The tilting boat house was a lake side landmark until the 1980's when it collapsed.

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